
  • Data update

    Data from the software aScTimeTables was updated
  • Data update

    4/12/2015 Data from the software aSc Substitution was updated
  • Mobile users

    Mobile users
    Dear mobile users.

    you can check your timetable and substitution also on your mobile device. If you have iPhone,iPad or Android device, you can download native application for these platforms.

    For more info please check:

  • TimeTables and Substitutions

    TimeTables and Substitutions
    Dear Students and Teachers

    you can now check the current timetable and the daily substitutions. Just click on the links at the top of the page.

  • Birth of this web page

    Birth of this web page
    13/8/2014 Web page of our school is finally on the internet. You will find here a lot of functionality and interesting information. List of student, classes, teachers, timetables, substitution, and other data.



  • B. D. Somani International School
    625, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai - 400005
  • 91-22-2216 1355
    91-22-2216 1366
    91-22-2216 1377
